
How are the icon files in my application bundle used on iPad and iPhone?




Technical Q&A QA1686
App Icons on iPad and iPhone


Q: How are the icon files in my application bundle used on iPad and iPhone?

A: Below are guidelines for handling icon files for iPhone-only apps, iPad-only apps, and universal apps.

IMPORTANT: Icons marked with "Required" must be supplied in your application bundle.

iPhone-only Apps

Include the following in your application's Resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 1 : iPhone-only apps icon requirements.

Image Size (px) File Name Used For Required Status Notes
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional but recommended File should be in png format, but name it without the .png extension
57x57 Icon.png App Store and Home screen on iPhone/iPod touch Required <None>
114x114 Icon@2x.png Home screen for iPhone 4 High Resolution Optional but recommended <None>
72x72 Icon-72.png Home screen for iPad compatibility Optional but recommended <None>
29x29 Icon-Small.png Spotlight and Settings Optional but recommended <None>
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight for iPad compatibility Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended <None>
58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png Spotlight and Settings for iPhone 4 High Resolution Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended <None>

Your Resources group should look similar to Figure 1:

Figure 1: Add files to Resources group

Figure 1, Add files to Resources group

Except for iTunesArtWork icon, list the names of each of these files in the Icon files entry in the Info.plist, in the order shown in the table. Follow the steps in "Add Icon files in Info.plist" section below. See Figure 4.

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iPad-only Apps

Include the following in your application's Resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 2 : iPad-only apps icon requirements.

Image Size (px) File Name Used For Required Status Notes
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional but recommended File should be in png format, but name it without the .png extension
72x72 Icon-72.png App Store and Home screen on iPad Required <None>
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight on iPad Optional but recommended <None>
29x29 Icon-Small.png Settings on iPad Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended <None>

Except for iTunesArtWork icon, list the names of each of these files in the Icon files entry in the Info.plist, in the order shown in the table. Follow the steps in "Add Icon files in Info.plist" section below. See Figure 5.

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Universal Apps

Include the following in your application's Resources group in the Xcode project:

Table 3 : Universal apps icon requirements.

Image Size (px) File Name Used For Required Status Notes
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional but recommended File should be in png format, but name it without the .png extension
57x57 Icon.png App Store and the Home screen on iPhone/iPod touch Required <None>
114x114 Icon@2x.png Home screen for iPhone 4 High Resolution Optional but recommended <None>
72x72 Icon-72.png App Store and Home screen on iPad Required <None>
29x29 Icon-Small.png Settings on iPad and iPhone, and Spotlight on iPhone Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended <None>
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight on iPad Optional but recommended <None>
58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png Spotlight and Settings for iPhone 4 High Resolution Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended <None>

Except for iTunesArtWork icon, list the names of each of these files in the Icon files entry in the Info.plist, in the order shown in the table. Follow the steps in "Add Icon files in Info.plist" section below. See Figure 4.

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Add Icon files in Info.plist

To add the Icon files entry you will need to manually edit your Info.plist.

Open your Info.plist in Xcode, and locate the "Icon file" entry. Click on the plus (+) button at the end of the entry to make a new key entry. as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Add a new entry under "Icon file" key

Figure 2, Add a new entry under "Icon file" key

Then, type "Icon files" in the key column (notice the "s" added), or choose "Icon files" from the drop down list, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Add "Icon files" key in Info.plist

Figure 3, Add "Icon files" key in Info.plist

Next, turn down the disclosure triangle on "Icon files" and add the entries for the icons for your application, as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5:

Figure 4: Add icon file entries for iPhone-only or Universal apps.

Figure 4, Add icon file entries for iPhone-only or Universal apps.

Figure 5: Add entries for iPad icon files.

Figure 5, Add entries for iPad icon files.

Note: If you don't provide one of the listed optional icons, the system will automatically scale one of your existing icons to an appropriate size. However, it is strongly recommended that your application supply all the icons listed with specific sizes needed.




Icon.png 57×57
Icon-72.png 72×72
Icon-Small.png 29×29
Icon-Small-50.png 50×50
Icon-Small@2x.png 58×58

iTunesArtwork 512×512

在info.plist使用key CFBundleIconFiles,注意与CFBundleIconFile区分开,CFBundleIconFiles的优先级高于CFBundleIconFile




<basename>默认为Default,也可用UILaunchImageFile key设置,在这用Default举例
<orientation_modifier> 旋转方向


也就是说你可以Default-Portrait.png 来表示竖屏时的加载图像,同样也可以直接Default.png不指定方向



如果使用了Custom URL Schemes,不多说了,格式如下,用法同上

UIImage* anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Button"];


Add a CFBundleIconFiles key of type Array to your Info.plist. The array should contain 2 string items: the filenames of the two icons. The OS will then automatically choose the correct icon for each platform based on their pixel dimensions.

You can keep the CFBundleIconFile key and have it point to the icon file for the iPhone for 3.0/3.1 compatibility.

Update May 2010: Apple now has Technical Note explaining this in great detail: Technical Q&A QA1686 – App Icons on iPad and iPhone



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